Sunday, August 5, 2012

The week before vacation and Japan part 1!!!

Okay I have a lot to talk about.  I will first update what happened the week I didn't blog and then this past week when I was in Tokyo, Japan.  So the week before I went to Japan was busy because I was having to get all my students ready for vacation.  We had a birthday party and I had to write letters to all my kids.  I have some photos of my kids from the birthday party.  I had two birthdays in my baby class and had Kevin Tr. take pictures with them. It was his last birthday party. He is leaving at the end of the month and I am sad to see him go. My older kids hate birthday party because there is only 2 of them they have to choose each other to give their gifts. I also have some photos of the day after, but when I took them to the dream park which is on the roof of our school. They look much happier there. I also have a video of them that I took of them speaking.  For warning I speak ridiculously and I have picked up the habit of talking like them (aka elongating my words). Most Koreans do it and yeah it is really annoying for me, because I don't do it on purpose, but since I am with these two all day long it has become habit. lol
Christopher and Matthew

Aiden so unhappy

Emily hates it. They look so cute though!

Christopher and Dana

Lucy Tr. Christopher and Kevin Tr.

Matthew and Kyra

Lucy Tr. Matthew and Kevin Tr.

Okay now on to talking about Japan. So if you don't already know I am part Japanese. My grandmother is from Kyoto, Japan and since I am out here I got the opportunity to travel to Japan for vacation. It has been one of my dreams to visit Japan and I am lucky that I got the chance to. So my co worker Leah and I flew out to Japan last Saturday morning and after an hour delay we got to Japan around 2pm. We had planned to go to Tokyo Tower that day but once we found our hostel and everything we were just too hungry and tired.

Day 2 we went to the science museum where we saw a dancing robot and we saw a giant gundam that moves. I have videos but I haven't uploaded them yet. Once I do I will add them in my blog. Lastly on the way back to our hostel we came across a protest. It has to be the most organized protest I have seen. The police were involved and helped direct traffic for many blocks and made sure the protest was able to cross the street. It was crazy!

Day 3 was our last day in Tokyo. We spent the day shopping. I bought many things to take home for my family.  I did buy myself a Yukata which is like the summer version of a kimono. Mine is light blue with many flowers on it. I bought a silver obi (belt). I can wear it but I really want to frame it when I get back to the states. I have way more picture then I am posting but I have like over 600 photos and I won't post most of them. Actually most of them are in Kyoto. I will do a part 2 tomorrow talking about the rest of my time in Japan because I spent it in Kyoto. I am really tired from traveling and I need to finish up some work for tomorrow. Otherwise I would spend the time and write it all tonight.  I want to spend more time on talking about Kyoto because it really had a huge impact on me and not just because my grandma is from there. Also youtube is taking forever to upload my videos so hopefully I will have that to add tomorrow to the blog.
One of them has finished loading so here you all go. Enjoy the robot! I will write more tomorrow! Besos!

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