Friday, December 16, 2011

Getting ready to leave...

Well I have a little over 2 weeks before I leave for Uijangbu (Uijeongbu) City, South Korea.  This city is a little bit north of Seoul.  So I won't exactly be in Seoul like the title of my blog says, but I am pretty sure I will be there a lot because it will be the closest "big city" to me and is only a 45 minute subway ride away.  I got to say I'm really excited and nervous too!! It is kinda surreal to me still but I can't wait for the new adventure that awaits me out there.  I guess I can tell you a bit about what I'll be doing in South Korea.  If don't already know I'll be teaching English to mainly grade school students, ages ranging from 4 to 15.  I'll also be one of 9 foreign teachers out there.  I've been told I'll have my own apartment, but the other teachers live in the same building so I won't be isolated.  I've struggled with packing.  It is hard to figure out what to pack for the year when it comes to cloths and all the other things.  Anyways, I'm hoping to see a lot of my family and friends, before I leave, but if I don't know that hope everyone has a wonderful new year and I'm sending you all lots of love!!!