Sunday, July 7, 2013

meh kind of week

Okay so I had a rough week to say the least. The start of my week was kind of sad because on Monday I found out that James from my Einstein class was leaving the school and it was his last day. So I was sad that he left. I even cried (at home not in front of the kids). I really miss him already. So here are some pictures from his last day.

Okay so the next day I did an art project with Einstein that my mom sent with me for them. So here are the pictures of that.

So on Friday I kind of had a bad day. Now when I resigned with my school I told them I only wanted to be main teacher of Einstein. Well on Friday they begged me to talk on another class because teachers are leaving soon and they want a stable teacher for the class. Although I don't want it I told them I would, but I also told them they had to cut down on my Elementary hours. Well the teacher I am replacing was upset not at me but at the situation. I don't blame her I was upset. I don't really understand why I had to take this class, but that is another story. The other teachers were more upset, because they will have to take on some more in Elementary, but it is only fair if they are working less and I am taking on more.  Anyways, point being I was upset on Friday and I really don't want this other class, but I will do my best with them. I did tell my boss though that Einstein will have my main focus because they are the one graduating in March. She kept telling me that this other class was the best and yeah they may be better behaved than my Einstein class, but it doesn't make them better. Now Einstein will have 3 teachers, because I will be switching my time with the teacher who had this other class. On the bright side I had all day kindy on Friday and one of my favorite kids picked up on the fact that I was sad and she made me "cookie" the whole class time. It was so cute. Took some pictures with her too!

Some random pictures. Victoria with her shape picture and Melissa telling me she was a ghost even though she looks like a zombie.

Well, this is all for now. I will try to be happier this week. At least I still have the class I love, even when they drive me crazy. Wish me luck with this new class. I am going to need it! Have a good week everyone and I hope your 4th of July was nice. Besos!

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