Well to say the least I am glad my hell week is over. I have been practicing scripts and plays all week and it has been ridiculous. On top of doing all that with my kindy classes I had to put 4 newspapers together for 4 different classes for elementary. I pulled 12 hour days everyday this week and workshop was yesterday (Saturday). On top of that I was so stressed out and worried that I didn't sleep well and on workshop day I woke up with a cold. Couldn't get any worse right? Wrong! On workshop day I had to act as the father in Beauty and the Beast and I was on stage for Davinci's speechs. The problem with that was I had no microphone while all the kids did so I had to scream my lines to all the parents. Let me tell you having to talk and sing in a lower register and shout with my voice is really hard!!! Anyways, I think over all it went well! Yes my kids made some mistakes, but the parents were happy and that is a big deal. So I have some pictures that one of the other teachers took. I hopefully will get some more this week and video, but we will see.
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Emily and Jasmin hiding in my sweatshirt! lol |
Anyways on workshop day as soon as my Davinci kids got there I had to change them into their ballet clothes. It was kind of crazy because Lucy Tr was taking their clothes off and I was putting on their ballet outfits and I have kids screaming "Teacher I'm naked!!!!" It was so funny, but annoying after awhile. After we changed them we fed them some Kimbap (Korean version of Sushi) and then we had a quick run through. After that the show started and Davinci's Ballet was the second performance. It went okay and after that we had to change them for script. Their script performance was like number 7. Right before their performance we have to put microphones on the kids, but we only have 13 of them so we have to wait for the kids on stage to finish before we can put it on the kids. So it was chaos and I had Emily in Davinci every 5 seconds "Teacher why no microphone?". Drove me crazy. I kept answering her but she just didn't get it. Anyways I went on stage with them. For the most part they did really well. A couple of them laughed but I did the dumbest thing. I had to wear a Psy mask because we did Oppan Gangnam Style at the end and I put it on upside down. Lucy Tr. had to call from the front and tell me. I was really embarrassed but at least everyone laughed and I did too! It was funny! Well as soon as I was done with Davinci I had to literally run and change my clothes for Einstein and Edison's play. I had one performance to do it in and then I had to help finish getting my kids ready to go on stage. So some kids came in full stage makeup, but Emily from Edison looked so pretty.
Snow White and Beauty and the Beast |
Emily and I. She was Beauty and Beauty's sister. |
My prince has come!!! Aiden with Catie Teacher. |
Barbara and Catie Teacher with Matthew. |
Barbara and Annie! She was my cute cup! |
Candy and Haris
Teachers |
Teachers |
I also got some gifts this week. I got food from Aiden's mom and I got flowers and a lollipop bouquet from Emily in Davinci on workshop day.
Food from Aiden. Quail egg, chicken, rice cake wrapped in bacon, rice cake in a sweet sauce and cucumber. All packaged together with a ribbon. Oh Korea!!! |
Roses from Matthew! So beautiful!! They smell wonderful too!!! |
My lollipop bouquet from Emily complete with a heart! Cute huh? |
To be honest I didn't expect to get anything this week much less yesterday, but I felt appreciated so it was nice. My student's parents really like me and that makes me happy, because I try to be a good teacher. After workshop yesterday my boss took us all out to eat all you can eat Korea bbq which is delicious and then we all went to Norebang (karaoke) and bought food and drinks there for us. It was a lot of fun.
Now the reason why I wasn't looking forward to this weekend. Saying goodbye. Yesterday was Meghan's and Haris's last day. Meg flew out to Canada today (Sunday) and Haris got another job in Korea 2 hours away and moved today to his new place. Saying goodbye is getting harder and harder because these 2 people I am really close to. I took Meg to the airport and it was really hard to say goodbye and not to cry. If I get a chance though I would love to go visit her in Canada someday! Haris by far was my hardest goodbye and I know he is only 2 hours away right? I will see him again right? Yeah I know that but not having someone who is like a brother to me all of a sudden just be gone is going to be hard. It is not I can meet up with him whenever I feel like it. Yeah I can call him and text but it just isn't the same. Tomorrow will be hard not having Meg and Haris there. They new teachers are nice though. Their names are Julian and Macy. They are from Arizona. But they just won't replace Meg and Haris. Leah is the last of the group besides me and she will leave in 3 weeks. It is really hard to say goodbye. Anyways I have Kindy off tomorrow so I don't have work till 3pm. I am going to bed early though because like I said I am sick. So I hope everyone has a good week! I am going to do my best too! I will end with some pictures I took on the bus to drop Meg off at the airport. Fall time in Korea! Besos!!

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