Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Chuseok!!!! (Korean Thanksgiving)

Happy Chuseok everyone! Actually yesterday was really chuseok but I was with friends and I didn't update my blog so sorry about that.  I have a 5 day weekend because of the holiday. So I have 2 days left and I am using the time off to catch up on some sleep and to have fun.  In case you know when my birthday is it is tomorrow so I get to relax on my birthday! I am pretty happy about that.

Anyways back to the topic of Chuseok! Chuseok is a Korean holiday in which they celebrate their relatives that have passed and give thanks to them and the people around them.  So being a teacher here I didn't know, but I felt bad because my student's parents bought me gifts. So did my boss. I got a lot of coffee which if you know me I hate coffee and don't drink it so yeah... I gave a lot of it away.  I got nuts, tea and lotion. I also got cake and rice cake.  I feel bad because I didn't get anyone anything.  Yes I am a foreigner so I have an excuse but I still feel bad.  Anyways, we celebrated with our kids on Thursday so I have a couple of pictures.  We played traditional games, made rice cake and made a Jegi (Korean version of a hacky sack).  It was pretty fun and the kids loved it!
Meg and Haris wearing Hanboks

Don't the kids look cute?!?! It was a lot of fun. Also this week was Andy's last week so I said goodbye to him and many of the kids cried.  It was really sad to see. We also went to another baseball game together.

Andy and I

Today I went to Lotte World for the second time. It was a lot of fun. It was just Leah, Haris and I.  Here are a couple of pictures. Before you ask I have become Korean.  lol

Haris did this on purpose and then went around showing everyone!!! So funny!!!!
Well that is about it. I am really tired so this will be a short update.  School is still very busy so I am enjoying my time off.  I hope everyone is well! Besos!!!!

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