Okay not too much went on this week. One of my Korean Teachers got into a car accident so she is in the hospital. She is okay, but in a lot of pain. So I was very busy covering her classes and what not. On Tuesday I worked from 9 to 5 with no lunch or break. To say they least I was brain dead by the end of the day. Other then that I saw Haris yesterday to give him his Christmas gift. He loved it so I am happy. Today I saw Lucy and went to her Christmas party at her Church. I met her parents and they were very nice. I have never been to something where they give you a snack in the middle of the show. I got 2 oranges, 3 things of rice crackers, red ginseng candy and a big piece of rice cake. Oh and I got date tea which was really good. It is also good for your throat. They had a lot of kids performing and my favorite was with all these kids dressed in black and they did a performance in the dark with a black light and special gloves and signs. They made faces and told a story with a song. It was pretty cool. I was the only foreigner there and many people were surprised to see me. They were all very nice and told me Merry Christmas. I had a lot of fun.
This week was probably the first time I experienced homesickness since I have been here. Now I don't mean that I don't miss people back home but I have never wanted to be home until now. Kind of funny since it will be a year in a little over a week. I think it is because it is Christmas and it is the first one away from my family. Also I miss Christmas back home. Here in Korea Christmas is a dating holiday, like valentines day. It is a little weird and it isn't super decorated like back home. It doesn't feel like Christmas I guess. I bought all my Korean teachers gifts and we did a secret Santa for the foreign teachers, but it just isn't the same.
Well tomorrow is Christmas eve and I will have a party with my students. I am also spending the night with the other teachers and we got a hotel in Myeondong because we have Christmas day off. So I am going to go finish packing my stuff up and go to bed. But I will leave you with a fantastic video from this week of Emily and Aiden. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! Besos!
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