So been pretty busy this week. We took yearbook photos for our 7 years old classes that will graduate in March. I have two 7 years old classes. Edison and Einstein so I took pictures with both classes. We had to wear a white shirt and jeans. The kids also took individual picture which were really cute. So of course I have some pictures to share.
she did this on purpose. |
Catie, Me, Jocelyn, Aiden and Emily |
Catie, Emily and I |
Catie, Aiden and I |
So we made Christmas shirts. Can you tell the difference in their real and fake smiles? |
Okay so I have a lot of pictures of them. lol Okay on to talking about Thanksgiving. So first of all I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I went to work on my Thanksgiving here, but yesterday the other American teachers and I made Thanksgiving (or as close as we could to it). It was really good for what we could find in Korea. We had a salad, mixed veggies, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, duck and chicken. They don't really have turkey here. For dessert we had a walnut pie and a sweet potato cake.
In case you didn't know Korea is known for their sweet potatoes. They are delicious. Also usually what we call sweet potatoes back home are actually yams. So Thanksgiving was very nice here. It wasn't like it is back home, but for Korea it was pretty nice.
Lastly I went to Insadong to get tea for my mom back home. Insadong is famous for its tea and it is wonderful their. I have some lovely green tea I bought their. It is really nice and naturally sweet. Anyways I bring this up because when I was their none of the Koreans spoke English to me, but rather Korean. This wasn't because they don't know English, because most of them know some because it is a big tourist place, but rather they recognized that I live here. I was asked more than once today if I lived here. When I asked in English how they knew they told me that by my mannerisms they could tell I had been living here. Also that I can speak some Korean also helped and that I understood them. It was funny, because I guess I no longer have my tourist statues here. I went to Insadong by myself and I thought I was going to be bored, but ended up talking to many of the vendors in Korean and English. It was interesting and a lot of fun. I even got a discount from one of them.
Lastly, Leah left on Friday. It is weird being the only one left. I have to readjust all over again at work. I like most of the new people so it isn't bad, just different and not the same. I miss all my old friends, but my new friends are cool too. Well I need to go finish some grading and get to bed. Have a wonderful week everyone! Besos!
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