So this week was busy even with my day off on Wednesday. Wednesday was National Liberation Day here in Korea which is their independence day from Japan. I have had to stay late to phone teach and what not this week so it has been a little crazy. Anyways, I have some pictures of Emily. Aiden didn't want to take any. Also one of my sorority sisters just flew out here to be an English teacher so she hung out with me for 2 nights. Her name is Keelie and it was nice to have another PLC out in Korea to represent with me. lol We went shopping in Myeong-dong which is a huge shopping district and probably the most famous one of Korea. We also went to the Trick eye museum. It was pretty cool. This post will be mostly pictures.
What a cutie! |
I told you she is sassy! lol |
Keelie got stuck! |
The artist did this using a paint ball gun. Cool huh? |
made with thick paper or cloth not sure. |
made with wire |
It had planes going through the picture. |
This was just too cute! |
I got a butterfly! |
Mirror maze! This was crazy! |

Okay well those are my pictures. Had a fun time with Keelie. Her school is like 4 to 5 hours away from mine so I probably won't see her much. It was nice to see someone from home. For once I could say something about home and not have to explain where it is or what it looks like for someone to understand my story. It was interesting. I got asked today if I want to go home and I told them no. It may seem harsh that I don't want to go home. I do miss everyone from home and I miss many things in Colorado, but there are a lot of things that I don't miss. I realized coming to Korea I was able to have a life without all the drama back home. I was really tired of all the drama around me back home. Although I have my own drama here, it is far less than what I had back home. So yeah I am not ready to go home. Also being away really showed me who actually cared about me and who didn't. Their are people I feel that I will not reconnect with once I go back home and it isn't because they don't care or I don't but it is a matter that we have our own lives and they don't cross anymore. That is okay. It will be the same with my friends here. I am going to struggle when they leave. Back home when I left I knew I could see these people again, but this time when I say goodbye their is a small chance I will ever see them again. It really makes me sad. Lately I have had many mixed feelings about if I should stay longer or just go home in January. To be honest I am not really home sick like I thought I would be. I am free here and I enjoy my freedom something I never got back home. I'm not saying my parents kept me locked up and I wasn't allowed to do anything. Not even close my parents let me do what I needed to do, but living in Korea I have had to grow up and I feel like an actual adult. I pay my bills on time (unlike most of my co-workers), I save my money, I cook, I clean my place, I do my own laundry, I go to work and I do everything for myself. It is nice to feel accomplished even if I am super tired. It does make me appreciate my parents more though. I know they did a lot for me and I am thankful to them.
Well I am off to finish up some work before I go to bed, but since it is officially August 19th back home I want to tell my mom
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you have a wonderful one!! I love and miss you!!!! You are an inspiration to me and are the best mom I could ever ask for!!! Love you!!!
Have a good day (or night) everyone! Besos!
ReplyDeleteI love that museum! I would love to visit it, the pictures are just amazing. Unfortunately I am terrible with taking pictures, I am glad you are the opposite so I can semi-share the adventures that you are experiencing. I think I know exactly what you are talking about in this post.
Anyway, I am reading this wonderful book and the reason I bring it up is because I have a question for you about Korea. Is the North and South trying to reunite?
lol well if you come visit we can go together. I am glad you liked the posts. It was a fun time. To answer your question about North and South Korea trying to reunite the answer is yes and no. lol so to explain yes there have been efforts to reunite from the South Korean side. They have a strong will to be reunited with the North, but since the government views are so different the North really doesn't want anything to do with the South. They use anything and everything they can as propaganda. So unless there is a big uprising from the people on both sides (but more from the North) to push for one country again I don't see it happening anytime soon. It is really sad and unfortunate actually. :(