So this week was pretty busy. Had a lot to do since vacation is next week. Besides the normal things we do for each week, we had a meeting and we had to write letters for all the students. That means I had 18 kids to write for in Kindy and too many to count in Elementary. I think they will like them though. They are sent in the mail to their houses over break. I had a lot of fun with both my classes this week. Irin in Beethoven class is so sweet. She tells me she loves me everyday. She makes me laugh.
In fact this week Irin and Lily had ballet class after Kindy. So next to the room they use for Kindy I have my PK class in Elementary. Now Emily from old Edison is in the other PK class that I don't teach, but it is on the same floor as my class so I see her. Well Irin came running up to me screaming my name and hugging me. When I saw this Emily, who came in smiling starting glaring at me. So my guess is that I made her jealous. It was confirmed to me that I did because the rest of the week she came looking for me to joke around or talk to me. She also kept hugging me. She even took a picture with me. She makes me laugh, because I asked her what she was going to do for break and she told me she wasn't coming back because her mom said I was the reason. I told her how is that possible I don't teach you anymore and she just gave me her mad look, because she knows that I know she is lying to me. haha Anyways, here are some photos.
Irin and I |
Emily and I |
She took this one |
Oh I have a group photo of Beethoven class. They are so funny. I also have some more photos from All day class where Victoria was my mom, I was big sister and Ashley was the baby. We had a swimming pool and magical powers. It was pretty funny and cute!
Beethoven class |
my mom and baby sister haha |
mom took my photo |
this is Kevin |
Yesterday I saw James on my way to meet up with Leah. It was so nice to see him. I really miss him! I went to the airport with Leah to pick up her dad and brother. Now I have met her dad before, but this was her brother's first time coming to Korea. We took them around Myeongdong. We took them to eat dulk galbi (spicy grilled chicken with rice cake) and Norebang. We had pat-bing-su for dessert. It was a lot of fun!
Well that is all I have. I am going to go finish eating and double check I have everything for Taiwan. I leave in about a half hour to go to the airport. Wish me luck! I am super nervous and excited! I can't believe I am going! Anyways, have a wonderful week everyone! I am going to make the best of mine! Besos!