Haha sorry for the title. I don't know what else to put. I'm trying to update once a week. Kind of hard. I haven't don't anything super exciting lately. All I do is teach!!! haha Well anyways like I've said before I have 12 students in my baby class. I finally have pictures of the 4 new students so here they are.
Matthew, Emily and Lumi. |
Melissa |
Dana and Melissa |
Matthew and Emily |
Emily and Dana |
Matthew |
| | |
Dana and Melissa |
Okay so Dana is not a new student but she loves pictures and they were too cute not to put up. haha. Anyways my students are crazy and hyper all the time. They are getting better. They like to fight for pencils and erasers. So on Thursday I resorted to putting the pencil case on my head so they couldn't get it. Let me tell you it was so funny because they were all so confused because I stood their and walked around balancing this plastic box on my head. It got them to pay attention to me long enough to listen to what they have to do then I gave them pencils and they still proceeded to do whatever they wanted. (At least they listened this time. haha). I did it on Friday too! They thought it was the coolest thing ever. Too funny!!!
Hmm...White Day was on Wednesday. It is when the boys give girls candy since girls gave candy to their lovers on Valentine's Day. Anyway to my surprise I got candy from some of my students. It was really cute and it put a smile on my face. I have one student named Alex (he might be my favorite) and he runs up to me and asks for a hug. He then asks for me to "spin please" so then I spin him. When I stop he will hold my face and say "po po" (meaning kiss in Korean) and he will give me a kiss. It is about the most cutest thing ever!!! lol I know I'm weird! I have another girl in this class named Jennifer. She likes to hit me (not hard of course). Anyways I didn't think she liked me too much sometimes, because she loves to pick on me. Sometimes she will give me a kiss on my nose or cheek but other times she will get mad and not listen to me. Back to my story I met her parents this week. Turns out that this little girl doesn't stop talking about me at home. I was very surprised to speak to her parents and find this out, which by the way her parents spoke in English to me. They also told me that they would support me as her teacher. Made me feel good to know that my students like me. No matter how mad I get at this class for not listening or whatever I really do love them and they always do things that make me smile. I wish I could film a class sometime so you all can see. Maybe I will... :)
My older students tell me they don't like me but when any of the other students come talk to me they get jealous and start holding onto my hands and they like to sit in my lap or lay their head on my shoulder. They are actually very affectionate kids, but I don't think they will admit it. haha I do love Emily and Aiden though. They are really sweet kids for the most part and are the smartest kids not in Kindy. They are funny.
I took pictures with both of my classes this week. I am the main foreign teacher for Davinci (baby class) and I am the secondary foreign teacher for Edison (older kids). So with Davinci we have 12 kids and all the girls sat in front, the boys stood behind them and then the 2 foreign teachers and the Korean teacher stood behind the boys. However for Edison there is only 2 students so for this picture it was Philip (main foreign teacher), Aiden, Emily and myself who sat in chairs and our Korean Teacher stood behind all of us. It was kind of funny because it looked like a family portrait. One of the other Korean teachers joked that it was mom, dad, 2 kids and grandma in the back. It was so funny but really cute. I guess I will never escape the mom title. haha. Have I mentioned that the foreign teachers call me "Omma" or mom in Korean. It is funny! It is just how I am I guess. Okay I am done rambling on about random stuff. Hope you all enjoyed my randomness I'm going to make some tea! Besos!!!